Marco De Giovanni, 2023


    De Giovanni M, Dang EV, Chen KY, An J, Madhani HD, Cyster JG. Platelets and mast cells promote pathogenic eosinophil recruitment during invasive fungal infection via the 5-HIAA-GPR35 ligand-receptor system. Immunity. 2023 Jul 11;56(7):1548-1560.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.05.006. Epub 2023 Jun 5. PMID: 37279752; PMCID: PMC10360074.

    De Giovanni M, Tam H, Valet C, Xu Y, Looney MR, Cyster JG. GPR35 promotes neutrophil recruitment in response to serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA. Cell. 2022 Mar 3;185(5):815-830.e19. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.01.010. Epub 2022 Feb 10. Erratum in: Cell. 2022 Mar 17;185(6):1103-1104. PMID: 35148838; PMCID: PMC9037118.

    De Giovanni M, Cutillo V, Giladi A, Sala E, Maganuco CG, Medaglia C, Di Lucia P, Bono E, Cristofani C, Consolo E, Giustini L, Fiore A, Eickhoff S, Kastenmüller W, Amit I, Kuka M, Iannacone M. Spatiotemporal regulation of type I interferon expression determines the antiviral polarization of CD4+ T cells. Nat Immunol. 2020 Mar;21(3):321-330. doi: 10.1038/s41590-020-0596-6. Epub 2020 Feb 17. PMID: 32066949; PMCID: PMC7043938.


    EMBO Long-term fellowship
    CRI fellowship
    (Armenise Career-Development award)
    AIRC Start Up Grant
    ERC Starting Grant

“Investigating the role of GPR35 in the regulation of mucosal immunity”, 2023

Who he is

Marco De Giovanni is an immunologist with specialized expertise in host-pathogen interactions, immune cell migration and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). He obtained his PhD from the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Italy, in 2018, under the guidance of Professor Matteo Iannacone. Following this, he pursued postdoctoral training in Professor Jason Cyster’s lab at the University of California San Francisco and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (USA). In 2023, he was awarded the Career Development Award, which allowed him to establish his independent research laboratory at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan.

What he does

Marco De Giovanni’s research program centers around investigating the role of GPCRs and homing molecules in the regulation of immunity. His lab employs advanced techniques such as ex vivo and in vivo imaging, spatial proteomics/transcriptomics, photoactivation, gene editing, and in vitro assays to study how GPCRs shape immune responses in steady-state conditions and during infections or cancer. During his PhD, his work contributed to a greater understanding of the spatiotemporal mechanisms involved in antiviral T cell differentiation (De Giovanni et al., Nat. Imm 2020), and to develop a cutting-edge technique for spatial reconstruction of immune niches (Medaglia*, Giladi*, Stoler Barack*, De Giovanni* et al., Science 2019). During his postdoctoral training, he shed light on the function of the orphan receptor GPR35, a promising clinical target in the context of inflammatory bowel diseases, respiratory infections, and cancer. Specifically, his research demonstrated that GPR35 acts as a pro-migratory receptor that supports neutrophil migration in response to the serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA (De Giovanni et al., Cell 2022). With the support of the Career Development Award, Marco De Giovanni aims to delve deeper into the role of GPR35 in regulating airways and intestinal immunity.