Davide Cacchiarelli, 2017
Career Development Award Project Title
“A functional genomics framework to investigate the molecular basis of rare genetic diseases”, 2017
Who he is
Davide Cacchiarelli grew up in Rome where he carried out his undergraduate studies in Biotechnology and Biology. He obtained a Master Degree and a Doctorate Degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology from University of Rome “La Sapienza”, working on mechanisms of RNA regulation. In 2011 he moved to The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and The Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University to focus his research on the rules governing cell fate transitions and reprogramming using genomic approaches.
He returned to Italy in 2017 thanks to the Armenise Harvard Foundation Career Development Award and now he leads a young research group focused on understanding the dynamics of cell fate decisions at TIGEM, the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine in Naples.
What he does
Davide Cacchiarelli’s work aims to identify the mechanisms controlling cell fate decisions during cellular differentiation, conversion and reprogramming, and how such processed are affected by genetic mutations of key regulatory proteins including transcription factors. To achieve this goal he proposes to integrate descriptive, functional and single cell genomics to dissect how genetic elements and their variants impinge on the temporal and spatial control of gene expression.
News from the Lab
Davide Cacchiarelli is leading the Laboratory of Integrative Genomics at TIGEM, bringing together an interdisciplinary approach engaging stem cell biology, cellular engineering, genomic approaches and mathematical modeling.